The Staci Keanan teen star of the 80’s and 90’s favorite TV My two dads and step by step is the protagonist of a new movie for pure entertainment Flix entitled “The choice of Sarah.”

A pro-life themed movie about young single women trying to do in the fast-paced and demanding world
advertising. Sarah has all his life suddenly derailed when he learns she is pregnant unexpectedly. Sara’s friends and colleagues insist that they have choices, some of which maintain their career and life in its current path. Sarah finally reaches the conclusion that there is no choice after experiencing a series of visions of the night accompanied by the whispering voice of a mysterious stranger. We are left to assume that she keeps her baby.

Although it is not surprising that this film has a decidedly pro-life message other star of the film, Christian singer Rebecca St. James says of the film is “all about choice.”

The film also stars comedian Brad Stine, Charlene Tilton (Dallas), and Dick Van Patten (Eight Is Enough). This is the second time Staci Keanan working with Pure Flix Entertainment, formerly worked with them in the movie Hidden Secrets in 2006.

Posted by imran Friday, May 14, 2010


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