Instant Uplift Bra – More Perkiness Without Surgery

Women looking for more volume and perkiness without having to pay a fortune on implants and other types of cosmetic procedures can now achieve it with the help of the Instant Uplift Bra, which retails for just £19, as the Mirror can confirm. Shaped in the back as a sports bra, the new product is actually a combination of bands that support the breast and create the impression of volume.

The Instant Uplift actually works like a corset of sorts, though minus the decrease in comfort. One band goes under the breasts pushing them upwards, while the straps over the shoulders do the same. This way, the wearer achieves an instant lift without going under the knife and, even better, while still remaining perfectly comfortable. The makers assure women they will not feel any different than from wearing a regular bra, which, of course, they must still wear.

There’s even more good news with this new product, since its unique design in the back also offers proper support, which means it will also improve posture by simply preventing the wearer from hunching. “It will give a great deal of confidence to an awful lot of women. It also helps with posture and support due to its innovative design and is a much less invasive way of increasing bust size than surgery,” Edward Chary, designer and retail director of shopping channel and website New Image TV, says for the aforementioned publication.

“In a Mirror test, we found the bra was a little bulky and adding an extra layer to an already structured bra was visible through a flimsy T-shirt or a thin jersey dress. But the effect was amazing and no one really noticed the double bra outline at the back – all the attention was up front,” the Mirror writes after trying out the recently launched so-called innovative “under bra.”

The Instant Uplift Bra is now available at Tesco for only £19, as also noted above. Initial reactions to the product are good but, as expected, there still are many people asking the obvious questions of what happens when the bra comes off and of really how good are this type of “tricks” for a woman’s self-esteem. In the end, perhaps it’s up to the women buying it to decide.


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