so you think you can dance season 5 top 20

While driving in to work yesterday, I found myself on the phone (hands free, promise!) debating with my mother about whether Mia Michaels was (A) an insufferable and self-absorbed know-it-all or (B) an insufferable and self-absorbed know-it-all who makes for great TV and without whom So You Think You Can Dance would be a far less interesting show. In case it wasn't already completely clear, I was arguing in Mia's defense, and my basic point was this: Why broadcast a televised dancing competition show if you're not going to include one or two diva choreographers with wacky ''artistic'' hair, an imperious manner, and a tendency to regard auditioning dancers over one's glasses with a face that could easily lead a random passerby to think one was repressing flatulence? Without Mia, the show would be more pleasant and easy-going, sure, but it would also more ordinary.


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