mike tyson daughter picture

The news that Mike Tyson's 4-year-old daughter died after getting tangled up in a home treadmill scares parents, especially those who haven't got around to childproofing their homes. So Peter Kerin, a childproofing expert shows the three most common safety issues in the typical home.
"Number one is definitely falls, from babies through toddlerhood into the preteen years, falls is the number one injury of children in the home," said Kerin, who owns Foresight Childproofing.
When your children are younger, you need to keep them away from stairs.
"You want a mounted gate, you don't want a pressure gate," said Kerin. "Everyone's hesitant to do it, but they're minimally intrusive, and the patching a small hole in a banister is a lot easier than patching the child."


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